

Instructions on how to prepare your drink:

Here are a few simple steps to help you get the best and most effective results when taking the NuBody Nutrition NuLiver Cleanse (other mixing / drink options available below):

Take 20 minutes before eating breakfast.

  1. Water – First place 4oz-6oz of hot water in a glass
  2. NuLiver Cleanse – Add 1/4 teaspoon of NuLiver Cleanse to the water
  3. Lime Juice – Add 1- teaspoon of lime juice (preferably from fresh squeezed lime – best accomplished by taking a whole lime and rolling it on a counter surface to loosen / break up pockets making the juice more easy to extract)
  4. Apple Cider Vinegar- Add 1 teaspoon to the water
  5. Optional – add 1 teaspoon of unfiltered raw honey.

5 Mix and drink

Optional variation (substitute the liquid apple cider vinegar with 1200 mg (1.4g) of encapsulated apple cider vinegar capsules.